Walking Together from Trauma to Trust
Walking Together From Trauma to Trust
Walking Together From Trauma to Trust.....
Helping a Child Form A Foundation
for Hope and Healing
By Laura Fotusky
Illustrated by Audrey Walden

​This colorful, interactive, faith based picture book reaches to the heart of a hurting child. It was written for our first granddaughter when she joined our family. She said, “Grammy! We read your letters every night!” It is a tool to engage a child who has experienced any type of trauma: moving from home to foster care or adoption, experiencing severe loss, natural disasters, war, or any form of abuse.
Create a daily space for quiet connection with each other. Look for the hidden heart in each picture. Read the selection, discuss the questions. express and identify feelings, and encourage the child to journal and draw. Repeat the affirmations and declarations which reinforce positive truth about who they are and who God is. Pray with them as together you practice problem solving. Find daily encouragement for yourself while reading the section for caregivers. Invite God to walk with you as together you begin the healing journey from trauma to trust!
"As an adult who was abused as a child, I have been blessed and further healed of painful events while reading Laura’s book. I did not realize I still had areas of hurt and anger in my life. I recommend this book to anyone searching for peace and emotional healing. God will minister to the wounded child and give wisdom to the caregivers."
- Anne Marie Hollan
"What makes this book by Laura Fotusky so wonderful is how it fills a need voiced by foster parents to meaningfully engage the children placed in their care. As they journey together with the daily readings and delightful drawings, they explore with the children truths about God’s constant care and presence in their lives. The readings are particularly thoughtful and memorable and open opportunities for conversation about things that matter."
- William E Brown, PhD, Senior Fellow for Worldview and Culture, The Colson Center
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the The Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
“Lord, please give me the ability to believe your Word, The Bible. Let its words seep into
the deep crevices of my soul, bringing joy where there is despair, light where there is
darkness, healing where there is brokenness, strength in my weakness and courage to go on.” LF